Practical information for your trip to Rioja
Discover all you need to know about Rioja to prepare your trip to the Spanish wine country. The best information about Rioja: time, currency, tips or opening hours. Do not miss anything and enjoy Rioja..
Weather and climate
Any time is good to visit the Rioja wine country. However, winter is cold and rainy, while spring and summer are warm. Autumn is the best season to visit Rioja because it is when the harvest takes place and the weather is still not too cold.
In Rioja wine country, Spanish is the official language. However, hotels, restaurants and wineries of the region are used to receiving international tourists, so they also speak English. The vast majority of Rioja wineries offer guided tours in English.
As in the rest of Spain, the official currency of Rioja wine country is the Euro. It is important to have changed in the country of origin or airport, because the vast exchanges are located in Logroño, the capital of La Rioja.
Plugs and electricity
About electricity in Rioja wine country, the voltage in the city is like in the rest of Spain and Europe, 230 V. In addition, the plugs have two outputs. Depending on the place of origin, an adapter would be necessary.
Opening hours
The opening hours in the Rioja wine country are good. The stores are usually open until 8.00-9.00 pm and only some of them close on Sundays and holidays. It is important to say that some restaurants close one day per week.